
The owner of this site is neither a professional pool player, a tournament champion, or an authority on pool or billiards.

What brought about this website was a love of the game and the connection to my past as a young boy so many years ago.

Now at the age of 77, I not only have found time to play pool, but I also find myself enjoying it more than ever before.

Even my wife encourages me to play as often as I want and many times more often than that.

This might be a signal for some, but for me, it’s quite a relief from what would otherwise make me feel guilty in the pursuit of this incredibly fun hobby, called pool or billiards.

Although I played pool as a young boy and later as a young man in the Navy I never really learned how to play pool properly.

Like most, I took the game as one of chance or luck, not one of skill and hours of practice. Latter that learned skill is perceived by the untrained eyes as a series of lucky shots.

Over the years I’ve seen several versions of people playing what I refer to now as Towerpool™.  Either with a shot glass or two or three cubes of chalk stacked one upon another making a perch. Then the players would place the eight ball on top and try their best not to have the cue ball or another ball out of control topple the 8 from its lofty perch.

I looked into the game first with only a casual interest and by accident. After asking an acquaintance where I now live how to play it and playing it, I became hooked.

What I found is that it was more difficult and more fun to play than just plain 8Ball.  It also forced me to make shots with more planning and thought than ever before.

That 8 ball sitting there on its perch seemed to dare me to dislodge it and lose the game early or worse when I had the game won but then toppled it (THUD). The eight ball doesn’t come down until you make all your solids or striped balls first. Until that time its a hazard that can’t be hit, because if it falls you lose the game.

The Rules; 

Rules of all games make the game consistent and the winning or losing of the game understandable. 

Most rules of the game are no different but there are many different rules or ways the different games are played. 

Towerpool™ is a modified game of eightball where the eight ball is elevated and placed on a tower.  For some, the break becomes a challenge with the 8 on its perch but with practice, the fear of loss is overcome with skill. 

There are many rules or variations of Towerpool™ and how its played. The game of Towerpool™ changes the difficulty of the game because of the elevated element of the eight ball.

The 8 Ball drops straight down unless another ball or balls are under it.  In that case, the balls are placed in the same line and when placed will be touching each other.  The ball or balls below have a preference just like the spotting of any ball is placed behind the one already there in place.